Monday Motivation: The Wait is Over: Something Has to Break

Hey Reader,

I pray this email finds you in good spirits.

Recently, I had one of those moments where God speaks so clearly that you just know it’s not just for you—it’s a word that needs to be shared. I was sitting in my car, minding my business, when I remembered a worship song at church the previous sunday. The song wasn’t new, but the words hit me as if they were written just for me at that moment.

After finding it on Apple Music, without warning, I found myself having a full-on worship session right there in my car. The song was “Something Has to Break” by Kierra Sheard, and as the lyrics filled my car, I felt God urging me to declare a powerful message.

We’re in the thick of the year, a year is declared to be a breakthrough year. Yet, with everything happening, anxiety and depression seem to be creeping in, trying to take root.

I’ve prayed for many things over the years—some prayers have been answered, others still waiting. But this feeling, this heaviness, I hadn’t prayed for it to leave. I had just accepted it as part of my life. Then, in that moment, God spoke to me through the song:

It’s time.

It’s time to tell it to go.

So, I started writing, knowing this wasn’t just a word for me but for anyone who feels weighed down by anxiety, depression, or any struggle that has been lingering too long. This is the time to speak out against whatever is holding you back. Declare it today. Speak it out loud and tell it to go. It cannot take root in your life, and it cannot continue to dwell in your heart or mind.

A Declaration of Freedom

In the powerful name of Jesus, we declare:

anxiety, you have to go.

Depression, your time is up.

Financial hardship, you are no longer welcome here.

Loneliness, you cannot stay.

Fear, you must leave.

Addiction, you have no place here.

Infertility, you are not the end of the story.

Cancer, diabetes, any sickness—you have to leave.

Whatever struggle you are facing today, call it by name and tell it to go.

In the name of Jesus, it has to break.


This declaration is backed by the promises of God’s Word. Click below for scriptures that can fuel your faith as you stand firm in this truth:

Have an amazing week on purpose, Reader!

P.S.- Do me a favor, Reader? Pop this email into the Primary tab of your inbox so you don't miss a single challenge.

Ebby LeBlanc

I help faith-driven women find the beauty in the journey and monetize their God-given gifts. Check out my 5 Days of Powerful Prayer and 30 Ways to Monetize Your God-given Talents.

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