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Manifest Your God-Given Desires For 2024 Through Intentional Prayer.

FREE Virtual Workshop

This Workshop is For you, If You're:

  • Feeling stuck in your current season.
  • Feeling a Lack of Community and Support.
  • Simply ready to begin enjoying your life again.

In This Workshop:

  • Learn the top 3 Mistakes of Manifesting & How to Avoid Them.
  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs:Through scriptural insights and empowering exercises, transform your mindset and embrace God's limitless possibilities.
  • Faith-Fueled Manifestation Techniques: Explore the power of prayer, intention setting, and aligning your actions with divine guidance.
  • Personalized Plan of Action: Walk away with actionable steps and a renewed sense of purpose.
  • Community Support and Prayer:Experience the strength of collective prayer and community as you navigate the path to manifesting your God-given desires.

Presented by


January 18, 2024
7:00pm Central Time

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